Fermented Adventure The Podcast

Keeper's Heart Whiskey - Pip Hanson



This episode features Pip Hanson of Keeper's Heart Whiskey. Keeper's Heart was created at an O'Shaughnessy, Irish American family reunion in Minneapolis five years ago. The O'Shaughnessy's came to America during the potato famine. The reunion brought the family together to reminisce and converse over whiskey. The idea to start a distillery sprang to life. This family endeavor would pay homage to the ideals and traditions of their immigrant roots. Today a 30,000 square foot distillery, restaurant and bar has come to fruition. Brian Nation was brought onboard to be the head distiller and blender. Steps were taken to source the finest whisky from their favorite distilleries in Ireland and the United States. The plan is to continue to source their flagships and today they are laying down their own juice which is distilled in copper pot stills. Look for those iterations to please consumers in about two years. Pip is responsible for the bar, cocktail program and training. What you'll