Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

592: John Sovac – Celebrating National coming Out Day With Support for Parents and Teens



From bullying to finally accepting their truth as an LGBTQ+ individuals, teens and parents often struggle with the journey and can even think that they are alone. In celebration of National Coming Out Day, we are proving you are not alone. Author and LMFT Psychotherapist, John Sovec shares his new book, "Out: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Your LGBTQIA+ Kid Through Coming Out and Beyond". Let's celebrate the journey of coming out, regardless of where you are in the journey as a teen or parent. About John John Sovec, MA, LMFT is a Psychotherapist based in California. He is also the Author of the new book "Out: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Your Lgbtqia+ Kid Through Coming Out and Beyond". John specializes in working with LGBT teens and their families during the coming out process. His work has been featured on The Riki Lake Show, OWN, FOX, The Advocate, YHTV, LA Talk Radio, Huffington Post & more. John's Book: Out: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Your LGBTQIA + Kid Through Coming Out and Beyond The comin