Fermented Adventure The Podcast

CR Citrus - Daniel Hare



This episode features Daniel Hare of CR Citrus. In 2017 "Smokin Connie" got a Traeger grill. When visiting his father's home he came across a Meyer lemon tree in the backyard. The idea came to him to slice and smoke the lemons. Through a lot of trial and error he dialed in a perfect recipe. Initially they made great Christmas gifts. The demand from family and friends became so great and they clamored for more of his delectable fruit slices. Suggestions for other varieties of fruit poured in. He makes these magic slices because it brings him joy. In September of 2021 CR Citrus was launched as a business. It's not just a garnish but an enhancer of flavor in your drink. www.CRCitrus.com - Instagram Highlights From our Discussion: Bar Convent Brooklyn Traeger Justin Brown Reserve Bar Ocotillo Salt Co. 5:Dirty Cara Cara Fred Minnick Casey Metzger Anderson Brothers Design & Supply Christine Moore