El Método

Snack: Zika en el cerebro



El paper de Laura --> Zika Virus Infects Neural Progenitors in the Adult Mouse Brain and Alters Proliferation --> http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/pdf/S1934-5909(16)30252-1.pdf Zika situation report de la WHO/OMS en el día en el que grabo este podcast [25 August 2016] Key updates Countries and territories reporting mosquito-borne Zika virus infections for the first time in the past week: None Countries and territories reporting microcephaly and other central nervous system (CNS) malformations potentially associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Haiti Countries and territories reporting Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) cases associated with Zika virus infection for the first time in the past week: None The 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro ended on 21 August. From the reports WHO received from national health authorities, there have so far been no laboratory confirmed cases of Zika virus in anyone associated with the Olympics. O