"tapp" Into The Truth

Crime Inc., Unopened Presents, and the Left Defending Evil



Vince Everett Ellison has a new book, Crime Inc.: How Democrats Employ Mafia and Gangster Tactics to Gain and Hold Power, and he dropped by to talk about it. New Jersey Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, declared his quest to destroy the crisis pregnancy centers, Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center, calling them "anti-choice", and "brainwashing cult clinics.” The USS Ronald Reagan sailed to the southeastern port of Busan, South Korea, and North Korea immediately called it “an undisguised military provocation.” Award-winning author Richard V. Battle, renowned for his insightful perspectives on what makes America great (hint: it's not American politicians) joined me for an extended conversation, to discuss the fight over the Speaker of the House position and the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. Visit 4Patriots and prepare for whatever life sends your way. VNSH holster fits 99% of all semi-auto handguns, works without a tactical belt, and carries two fully loaded magazines. Go to http://vnsh.co