Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 24: Prioritising what matters - How to juggle your work, family and lifestyle



The elusive work life, family life, and self balance. Is it actually possible? I'm going to say that what you actually want to aim for is integration, not balance. Integrating all the areas of life in a way that feels good to you. Where sometimes you put more emphasis on relationships and health, and other times on family and income.In this episode I dive into how I'm juggling two businesses, a toddler, married life and self care and some methods, tools and resources on how you can find your flow and live your best life.In this episode you’ll learn:Why balance isn't the key to living a great lifeHow to integrate all the beautiful facets of your lifeSetting clear boundaries with yourself and prioritising what mattersHow to grasp the intricate harmony between your aspirations, loved one's needs, and work demandsFull episode and shownotes over at ways that I can help you get momentum right now.The first off is obviously LifePilot, our beautiful tool and methodology, which, as I said,