The Cam Roberts Business Marketing Podcast

261 Hypernomics with Doug Howarth



Podcast Show Notes: What is Hypernomics and when it is used The future models for problem solving Finding hidden market positions using unseen mathematical dimensions Determine proper pricing based on the competition and known market activity. Discoverer of Hypernomics and co-holder of its first patent CEO of Hypernomics, Inc. | Author of the upcoming book to be published by Wiley: Hypernomics: Using Hidden Dimen- sions to Solve Unseen Problems  Doug Howarth's life has been an extraordinary jour- ney of personal challenges and groundbreaking disco- veries. When he was just fourteen, he became fascinated by the possibilities beyond the coordinate systems taught in school. Little did he know that this curiosity would intersect with a battle against failing kidneys that lasted for over three decades.  After receiving a life-saving kidney donation from his best friend, Tim Schreiner, Doug ex- perienced a remarkable transformation. His mind, which had been clouded for years, sud- denly became clear. It was durin