St Marcus Mke Sermons

The Lucidity of Demons | The Testimony of Demons



This week we will study Matthew 8:28-34 under the theme “The Lucidity of Demons.” As we examine this encounter between Jesus and two demon-possessed men, what grabs our attention is the utter irrationality and wickedness of demons. Yet when Jesus shows up, they snap to attention, speak with clarity, and demonstrate a recognition and fear of his power and authority. As people who bear the name of Christ, we rejoice that he has revealed to us not just his power and authority, but also his heart. SERIES SUMMARY: While all Christians have heard the stories of the demonic in Scripture, very few of us walk around with a daily awareness that we are battling evil spiritual forces. This is, in part, because we live in a deeply secularized, post-Christian America. Satan has learned how much damage he can cause when he makes himself invisible. But if you don’t acknowledge demonic forces in the world, you will always demonize the wrong things. We must be aware of the spirit realm, how it influences us, and how Jesus is