The Modern Mann

Cruising With Mickey (Season 8, Ep 8)



Working aboard Disney’s cruise ships requires a commitment to customer service, a never-fading smile, and a mastery of ‘the Disney point’. But for Andy Young - a twentysomething bartender on Disney Wonder in 2002 - it also served as an introduction to excessive drinking, clandestine romps and a salary of just $26 per fortnight, plus tips... Elsewhere this week, Ollie Peart travels to Paris to investigate the trend for ‘floating’ Bird scooters - dockless adult scooters hired via smartphone - and quietly lets slip that his social media detox may have come to an end. Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox furnishes listener Craig in Richmond, Virginia with some tips for his forthcoming pre-wedding ‘sex-fast’. What is 'Kunyaza'? And is it a good idea for a couple to keep their hands off each other’s bodies as prolonged foreplay before their marriage nuptials? This week’s Lifehack is brought to you by Lara Morgan, co-founder of aromatherapy-based company Scentered, with advice on how to maximise the world of fragra