The Modern Mann

Inside RT's Newsroom



Russia Today is one of Britain’s most controversial TV networks. Backed by the Kremlin and based in Moscow, its London newsroom portrays Russia more positively than the mainstream media, and broadcasts an alternative take on current events generally. But RT has been accused of distributing propaganda and ‘fake news’, and has been found in breach of broadcasting rules. Joana Ramiro worked for RT’s web-team, hoping she could originate meaningful journalism aligned with her left-wing perspective. But, as she explains to Olly, she instead found herself in a world of clickbait, ‘churnalism’ and ‘editorial mellowing’. Elsewhere, in this week's Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart explores the trend for flexitarian burgers; considering the US offerings from Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger. At Dirty Bones in Shoreditch, Ollie and Olly wrap their lips around a vegan Moving Mountains B12 burger - and compare it to the restaurant’s original, non-vegan Mac Daddy. Can it compete? Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox - fresh from b