

While some authors may have reservations about using Amazon, there are certainly major benefits to selling on the platform. Listen to this episode as Shelley talks about why authors should consider selling their books on Amazon and how it can provide convenient access to a large readership and streamline the publishing process. Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Download it now for free here. Join Our Procrastination to Publication Workshop With our simple 5-step system, you’ll be able to self-publish a quality Kindle eBook (without breaking the bank) in as little as 30 days. Here are a few of the topics we’ll cover:  The 5-step method for editing, formatting, and designing a book cover so you can publish your Kindle eBook in as little as 30 days.  My go-to process for self-editing your manuscr