Ruby On Rails Podcast

Episode 495: Marc Reynolds on Packwerk



Marc has been building software for more than two decades, with a particular focus on the medical industry. He’s currently working with Doximity to create tools that make doctors’ lives easier. As an Engineering Manager, one of his primary focuses over the last couple years has been to figure out how to reduce unnecessary code coupling and make the lives of Doximity developers easier. He recently shared his experience with rails modularization at the Rocky Mountain Ruby conference. In this episode, we talk about Packwerk, it's challenges and benefits, and how Doximity was able to modularize their monolith. Show Notes Packwerk Github - Ruby At Scale - Marc Reynolds - Episode 492 with Vladimir Dementyev - Sponsors Honeybadger ( As an Engineering Manager or an engineer, too much of your time gets sucked up with downtime issues, troubleshooting,