Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 302: Dec Energy Forecast in Categories



YOU PERSONALLY In the forthcoming month, it'll be key to find a balance between nurturing relationships and focusing on individual growth. Get in touch with your underlying values and recognize your true obligations. The month begins with a surge in energy that encourages planning and a positive look forward. Use this as an opportunity to stay organized without being diverted by others' affairs or your personal energy-draining habits that lead to procrastination.  The latter part of the month could seem hazy, fragmented, and somewhat indecisive. So, utilize any clear-headedness you gain in the initial phase of the month. If you manage to complete tasks usually done at the year-end in advance, you'll free up time at the month's end. During this period, the energy is more open and favorable for amplifying creativity into prosperity, reinforcing connections, and enhancing beauty.  RELATIONSHIPS Consider, who is in your circle? Recognizing and reassessing your ‘group' becomes essential, requir