Mcc Podcast

Holiday Field Guide: Family



It may be fair to say that most of us have never been lost in the woods….but picture it: you’re lost, you have no supplies - no food, no water, no shelter. What would you do first? Where do you begin? How do you figure out what is safe? Sounds like you need a field guide! A field guide is basically a manual for identifying natural objects, flora, or fauna in nature. It can provide survival tips and tactics, and show you what is safe to eat, what you can use for shelter, navigation, etc. This series will be a field guide for us - to show us how to navigate the holidays. We’ll look at how to navigate relationships, our emotions, our thoughts, our choices, and our faith so that we stay on course and don’t end up “lost” in the busyness of this time of year. This kind of field guide will help us keep Jesus at the center of this Christmas season. This week Josh will be talking about family. Navigating the terrain of family relationships during the holidays can be treacherous - we’ll be looking at 3 charact