Dare to Find Your V*O*I*C*E

The Power of VIRTUE



I probably drove Dave, my husband, crazy with "Why can't I find my purpose?" so finally one day he suggested that maybe my purpose was just to be happy. What a concept--and it worked! It wasn't long until I received the "download..." My purpose and passion is connecting women (and men) to their Virtue, Power, and Purpose."So what do I mean by "connecting to virtue?" “Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards.” To me, that is basically the definition of virtue. I also found that virtue means strength, compassion, and ethics. It means tradition. It means generosity and honesty, wisdom, courage, justice, tolerance, good speech, respect, purity, courtesy, long suffering. … and this is according to Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese religions, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity, as well as Judaism, and Islam.