Dare to Find Your V*O*I*C*E

The Power of UDANA Power!



Udana Power starred on Broadway and in TV opposite Katharine Hepburn, Bill Shatner, Henry Winkler, Ron Howard, Billy Crystal, Suzanne Somers and more. She has always had a deep desire to know how life works. Her real journey into self-discovery began when she traveled to meet Osho (then Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) in Poona, India in 1979.Udana has written 11 screenplays, 1 play and several books. She is just completing MANIFEST MIRACLES: A Practical Guide to The Inner Dynamics You Need to Know. • She is a million dollar earner in network marketing. • Founding Investor, Fundraiser and Strategic Partner in Muzit – a digital marketing platform that was created by artists for artists to save the music industry. It has now grown into much more and is poised to be one of the largest Big Data companies in the world. Muzit has been featured in Forbes Magazine and many other news outlets. •One thing I love about Udana is that she celebrates the juiciness of ordinary moments. Bursts into song unexpectedly, dances at midnig