"tapp" Into The Truth

How Many Acres of U.S. Farmland is Owned by the CCP?



Taiwanese voters sent a clear political message to communist China. House Republicans are now willing to accommodate Hunter Biden by agreeing to subpoena him again instead of continuing to pursue holding him in contempt. A member of the Chinese Communist Party secretly purchased 198,000 acres of U.S. farmland, back in 2015. The Secret Service “relocated” staff members and journalists as pro-Hamas demonstrators shook the security fence and threw objects at law enforcement officers outside the White House. How did the Biden White House responed? By going on the Sunday Shows and saying, "We are “intensely” pressuring Israel to lower the intensity of their military operations against the Hamas terrorist organization inside Gaza." New York Judge Robert Reed said in an order that a “complexity of issues” warranted that Donald Trump cover nearly $400,000 in attorney’s fees, legal expenses, and costs for The New York Times and three of its reporters. Be ready when things go sideways. Visit 4Patriots and prepare for