Earl Grey: A Star Trek The Next Generation Podcast

Earl Grey 73: Captain of the Play



The Arts in TNG.The Next Generation arguably features the most concerts, play performances, poetry readings, and art works than any other Star Trek television series. Whether it was having every senior officer being musically inclined, having fun in the clay modeling room making a mask or an entry for "Captain Picard Day," or keeping Commander William T. Riker from the nude modeling painting class, TNG inserted cultural works into many episodes. The show's writers/producers made sure that noted Shakespearean performer Sir Patrick Stewart incorporated several references in the series' seven-year run, from the Bard's historical plays to his sonnets. Lt. Commander Data's development in humanity also included his exploration of artistic self-expression, leading to him playing the violin, painting his dreams, and being directed by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in his one-man performance of a "A Christmas Carol." Join co-hosts Phillip Gilfus, Darren Moser, and Daniel Proulx as they find the "sweet spot" of the NCC-1701-D