Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

What Does a Healthy Plant-Based Diet Look Like? | Simon Hill, Msc, Bsc



In Episode #84, it’s you and me again for another solo episode of The Proof podcast. As usual, this episode is about clearing up confusion, breaking down the science, and giving you practical tips to hopefully allow you to lead a healthier, more sustainable, and happier lifestyle.   In this episode, I cover recent headlines about the dangers of ‘fake’ or ‘mock’ meats, Formula 1 driver Romaine Grosjean’s comments about a vegan diet and endurance performance, a recent article in the Global Environmental Change journal that was covered in a somewhat misleading fashion by HuffPost, and some tips for building a healthy plant-based diet. Of course, I could talk about building a plant-based diet for hours and hours, so in this episode I focused on some of the top principles and myths about a plant-based diet that I most wanted to get across so you can set yourself up for success. For more insights and reflections, visit The Proof website for the full show notes.    Enjoy, friends.   Simon Want to support the show?