Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Truly Reversing Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes | Robby and Cyrus from Mastering Diabetes



In Episode #74, I sat down with Robby and Cyrus from Mastering Diabetes to chat about diabetes (type 1, 1a, pre-, and type 2) and the role that nutrition plays in insulin resistance. We go through the body of scientific literature and explain what causes insulin resistance and how to actually reverse it. We talked about the difference between low-carb, ketogenic-type diets and high-carb, low-fat diets for insulin resistance, and what truly reversing insulin resistance actually means – specifically the difference between reversing insulin resistance and managing blood glucose control.   Strap yourselves in – this is a long one (2.5 hours). But I guarantee that by the end of it you will have learned so much about diabetes and will finally understand the mechanism that causes insulin resistance, how to reverse it, and how to improve health outcomes. This understanding is important not only for people with diabetes but also for anyone looking to better their health, particularly anyone who is overweight (millions