High Society Blockchain

HSR 01/25/23 Air Pud w/ Richie Redding & Zac Amico



Chris From Brooklyn is joined by Richie Redding and Zac Amico to discuss the Kat Williams interview with Shannon Sharpe, the average penis length growing over the last 50 years, Richie's friend who tired the OG Viagra, the insane world of hobby horse dressage and dog dancing, why girls rock bottom moments keep guys drinking, the guy who came in his pants during a twerking competition and so much more!Support Our Sponsors!YoDelta.com - Use promo code GAS for 25% off your order!YoKratom.com - Check out Yo Kratom (the home of the $60 kilo) for all your kratom needs!Monthly Knife Club - Get a New Knife Each Month! - Use Code "GAS" From 10% OFF Your First MonthHigh Society Radio is 3 native New Yorkers who started from the bottom and didn't raise up much. That's not the point, if you enjoy a sideways view on technology, current events, or just an in depth analysis of action movies from 2006 this is the show for you.Chris Stanley is the on air producer for Bennington on Sirius XM.Chris from Brooklyn