Dolman Law Group Podcast

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Symptoms



Between 1953 and 1987, countless military personnel and their families were exposed to toxic chemicals at the MCAS New River Marine Corps Air Station and Camp Lejeune. These chemicals, which contaminated the water, exceeded 4,000 times the amount allowed by EPA standards. But what are the effects on people today?Common symptoms and diseases from the Camp Lejeune water contamination include breast cancer, bladder cancer, female infertility, leukemia, neurobehavioral effects, and Parkinson's disease, among a plethora of other maladies. So, if you were on the base and now experience long-lasting symptoms and diseases such as these, what can you do about it? In the past, veterans seeking justice through Camp Lejeune water contamination claims were often shut down by North Carolina's statute of repose. But recently, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed, allowing veterans and their families to file claims and seek compensation for the effects. Everything has changed with the passage of this act. The go