Grace Church

Embedded Influencer | Future Church | Week 5



Big idea: As an embedded influencer, I understand how God has purposefully gifted and positioned me to multiply His work in the world. John 20:19-22 Reminders from this passage Wherever you are, you’ve been sent there by God (:21) You have the Holy Spirit to empower you (:22) 4 Root Idols. Power: a longing for influence or recognition. Control: a longing to have everything go according to my plan. Comfort: a longing for pleasure. Approval: a longing to be accepted or desired. Esther 4God has perfectly positioned you to influence someone. A few truths about your influence:There are gifts only you have. There are people only you can reach. There are assignments only you can complete. Next StepEmbedded influencer discipleship questions: How have I leveraged my unique skills or position for God’s mission recently? What is one situation or person in my life right now that am I uniquely equipped to influence?Find more resources at