Holding Space

135: How to Support Our Kids in a World With AI with Audrey Wisch



AI (Artificial Intelligence) isn't going anywhere, but that didn't stop me from (at first) putting my head in the sand about it. But the truth is, it's not going anywhere and our kids are going to grow up with AI being a part of their schooling, future careers, and their life...so it was time to take my head out of the sand and learn everything I can so that I can support them too.This episode with Audrey Wisch, founder and CEO of Curious Cardinals was not originally planned! Our original topic (episode 134) was all about supporting kids in discovering THEIR passions and connecting those passions to their relationship to school (if you haven't checked out that episode yet, you don't want to miss it!)What I noticed though in my interactions with Audrey was how she seamlessly incorporated AI into her business model. I got curious about her use of AI, and discovered she was giving AI workshops to parents around the country. I had SO many questions, and thought you might too...and thus this ep