Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

106: Wisdom Wednesday: Navigating Your Uncertain Environment



If we want to build and create generational wealth, we have to understand the variables and factors affecting our environment and position ourselves to be able to control what we can control. In today's Wisdom Wednesday episode, I discuss how we can navigate our uncertain environment and the manage the unknown and known variables and factors affecting our environment. I look at how we can limit and reduce the impact of unknown and uncontrollable variables. In exerting more control over our environment I start with discussing ourselves as individuals, our families, our friends, and communities and then look at the local, state and federal governments, taxes, inflation, banking and financial institutions, corporations, market risk, and much, much more. Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @mclaubscher and Instagram @cashflowninjapodcast Click To Tweet: Navigating Your Uncertain Environment If you have enjoyed our podcast, please share with friends and family Please Subscribe, Rate, and Review on Itunes so mor