Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

097: Wisdom Wednesday: 5 Reasons Why Investors Fail



In today’s episode, we are going to look at five reasons why investors fail. To understand what it takes to achieve success and become a successful investor we not only need to know what it takes to be successful and the secrets to achieving success but we can also learn out of failures from our own past and others in our quest for success as an investor. That is why I love autobiographies as well from entrepreneurs and investors because I can learn from not only their successes but also from their failures. I had a mentor of mine say to me that we are not alive on earth long enough to make all the mistakes that there is to make so it's good to speed up our development and growth by learning from the mistakes of others. Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @mclaubscher and Instagram @cashflowninjapodcast Click To Tweet: 5 Reasons Why Investors Fail If you have enjoyed our podcast, please share with friends and family Please Subscribe, Rate, and Review on Itunes so more people can find us! so more people can