Roker Rapport

RRP: “Beale Burning Bridges & Doddsy Dilemmas” - Previewing Sunderland AFC v Swansea City!



Chris and Gav look at the Beale burner fiasco that unfolded since we last recorded, at the task Dodds has ahead of him now for the rest of the season, and look ahead to his first challenge against Swansea on Saturday! Or they try to but get distracted aye.What's the crack? BurnerGate; Well that's not very a clever thing to do is it lad? The lads try and work out why it appears he did what he did and why it's a bad idea...Will Michael Beale get another job in coaching after this or should he take some time to consider everything that has happened these past couple months/years; Away from all that and back to the footy as DoddsBall returns this Saturday; what are we expecting from the great one? How exactly does he get to grips with the situation he's been left to deal with? Looking over Swansea this season and in spite of our poor record against them, Chris is optimistic about our chances… but Gav isn't. So what's wrong with Gav? Do we expect to see Jobe or Rusyn up top and which would the