Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Mindfulness, Reiki, and Chakra Balancing: A Meditation to Rewire Your Mind and Align Your Energy | Ep 351



Within this guided meditation, you'll be introduced to techniques for transforming your mindset using mindfulness, reiki, and Reiki'd affirmations, if you wish to receive for the highest good. These powerful tools can aid in dispelling negative energies and altering pessimistic thoughts and beliefs, paving the way for positivity and self-empowerment. You'll get to experience firsthand the benefits of reiki, an energy-healing practice. It extends an offer of balancing your chakras to foster equilibrium and unity within your body, mind, and spirit. Engaging in this practice, you'll focus on your breathing, the sensations of your body, and your energetic hubs, feeling the energizing flow of reiki throughout. The aim of this meditation is to aid relaxation, lessen stress, and bolster your overall well-being, ushering you to commune with your profound inner wisdom, vision, and spirituality. All while empowering you to develop a growth mindset.