Mcc Podcast

Why is community important today?



This week I get to kick off our series on the book that we call 1 John. This book is actually a letter written by John. I don’t know if you know this, but Jesus nicknamed John and his brother James, two of the 12 apostles, the Sons of Thunder. You can find where Jesus gives them that nickname in Mark 3:17. It seems that it may relate to an incident when a town rejected Jesus and they wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy it. You can find that story in Luke 9:53-54. My guess is that you grew up with kids in your neighborhood or at your school who could have earned that nickname. My brother and I were called the “Most Destructive Kids On The Block” but that’s another story. I tell you that because when we get to this letter of John toward the end of the New Testament, John is now called The Apostle of Love. The Son of Thunder became the Apostle of Love. That’s what Jesus can do in your life. As we look at how John encourages us through what he wrote to the early church, you will see that he weaves t