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Sparklin: Simplifying electric car charging in common areas @ CES 2024



Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more and more common on our roads and in our garages. Even those who once stated that they would never own an EV are now taking the leap and investing in one due to rising gas prices and various rebates and tax incentives that help to reduce the overall price of the vehicles. For some, however, a definite barrier to purchase involves living and working in large buildings where it is not easy or convenient to charge. That's the problem that Sparklin is looking to solve.Sparklin simplifies the EV charging processThe e-mobility platform offered by Sparklin is an end-to-end solution that consists of a circuit connected to a management platform for owners and an application for users. The platform is designed to make charging electric vehicles easier and smarter, particularly in scenarios where individuals live in condominiums or work for companies in large office buildings.As electric vehicles become more and more mainstream, the need for such a platform becomes increasingly a