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BULMA Solution: Improving employee management and hiring @ CES 2024



BULMA Solution, a new take on HR software, is set to transform the HR department with its innovative features. The software, which includes five different applications and a robot, is designed to assist in the hiring process, coaching, and employee management.Software and a robot for HRThe software targets enterprises with 500 or more employees, aiming to provide a management solution that recognizes each employee, ensuring everyone feels valued. It includes a quotation system that allows HR departments to assess the social values, mission, and objectives of potential candidates and enterprises, helping candidates identify companies that align with their personal goals and values.The software's revolutionary aspect lies in its use of technology, including the robot and various applications, to streamline and enhance HR processes. Its ability to assess social values, mission, and reputation, along with psychometric tests, provides a comprehensive evaluation of both enterprises and employees. This holistic appr