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Peel & Play: A new sensory toy for kids with special needs @ CES 2024



The Peel & Play interactive toy, designed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other related disabilities, aims to provide a fun and creative way for these children to relieve stress and engage in interactive activities. This innovative toy is designed to address the stimming behaviors commonly seen in children with ASD. Stimming, which refers to repetitive behaviors such as hand flapping or repeating words, is a way for individuals with ASD to regulate their emotions and stress levels.Interactive toy for children with special needsWhile stimming behaviors provide comfort and joy for these children, they can also prevent them from attending to daily activities. The goal of the Peel & Play toy is to provide a replacement behavior that is both enjoyable and engaging. Developed by a team called Solive Ventures, the toy incorporates puzzles and interactive features.Resembling an orange that can be peeled off, the toy provides tactile feedback and vibrations for sensory stimulation. It also