Mcc Podcast

Jesus defends those who belong to Him



Did you know that you can confess, repent, and be forgiven, all from the comfort of your own home? I found a sight called Absolution Online and you begin by selecting a category (some sins occur in more than one section): -10 Commandments -The 7 Deadly Sins -Internal Sins -Physical Sins -General Sins I also found an app called Sincerely - Off My Chest. It seems that people want to get things off their chest. So they publicly acknowledge things like: -I removed the book jackets from trashy novels so that I look more sophisticated. -I think I’m racist. -I’m the anonymous caller who told your boss that you’ve been stealing. One author said, “Like some of our readers, I’ve never personally asked God for His forgiveness, but recently I’ve come to realize that most of us, religious or not, seem to be indulging in some form of confession on a pretty regular basis.” Religious or not, we feel the need to get something off our chest. This week I’m looking forward to sharing what John says about sin as we look