Randall Church Podcast

10. Ecclesiastes: For The Young And Old - The Conclusion - Milo Wilson (Eccl. 11:7 - 12:14)



So the Preacher’s search for meaning has taken him to God. The search has shown that man can’t find the answers to life on his own, but that the search will peel back the truth that God knows all, and that He has given us life to live and enjoy, and that wisdom is found in Him. The Preacher has indicated that while we don’t know everything indeed, we know enough to be responsible for what we do in light of what we know, and that God will be the judge of our life and the way we live it. And further, the Preacher has indicated that everything is in God’s sight and in His control. So “fear God and keep His commandments.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). And to the Christian who knows now, as the Preacher did not, that Jesus is the Wisdom of God, the lesson of Ecclesiastes is come to Jesus in whom is life and meaning, and we are sure that “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from