Simon Bowkett's Podcast

Acts 17:1-4 A good foundation laid - ministering from the margins



Just over thirty minutes from at for and  unpacking Acts 17:1-4 and Ministering faithfully from the Margins of societyThe church in our time and culture has failed to keep up with how ‘way out’ we’ve become, and still acts with what looks to the differently-minded majority like a legalistic sense of entitlement.Unjustified entitlement, at that!In Acts 17:1-4 Paul teaches us in ministering from the margins of society go where we can get a hearing, if not an immediately appreciative audience.And then to Explain, reason and prove … and do it from the available Scriptures or (later in the case of Athens) from the philosophy they already hold to be true. (Clearly it goes better if they already hold the Scriptures!)(There’s your method.)Then to make it all about Jesus, the crucified and Risen Messiah … the Saviour long-foretold.(There’s the message.)And here's what we must seek as