Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Do you Have a Brilliant Idea Worth Millions? – a conversation with Colleen DeBaise, business journalist and author of Start a Successful Business: Expert Advice to Take Your Startup from Idea to Empire



Colleen DeBaise                   Do you Have a Brilliant Idea Worth Millions?  Do you have thoughts of one day becoming an entrepreneur and owning your own business? Turning your brilliant idea into a successful business sounds exciting, but it also requires the necessary skills and abilities to go from an idea to thriving. That being said, you don’t need months of market research or writing business plans behind you before hanging your shingle. Get started right away with minimal product and make tweaks as you go. Colleen DeBaise, a business journalist and author of Start a Successful Business: Expert Advice to Take Your Startup from Idea to Empire has spent a career covering entrepreneurship and small business. She shares some of her insights in this podcast, and those insights could be the impetus for you to turn your big idea into a successful enterprise.   Learn more about Colleen DeBaise and Inc Magazine by clicking the links.  You can also check out Colleen's new book Start a Successful Bus