Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Positive Leaders Love Team Members and Hold Them Accountable – a conversation with best-selling author Jon Gordon, whose principles have been tested by coaches and teams in the NFL, NBA, MLB, and Fortune 500 companies, among others



  Jon Gordon                 Positive Leaders Love Team Members and Hold Them Accountable Do you know what the #1 predictor of success is? Over talent, title, wealth or appearance, grit will get you to a successful finish line nearly every time. The positive leader has grit because positive leadership is serious, hard work that requires a daily, focused determination. No Pollyanna, unicorns or rainbows here. Positive leaders have more success than negative leaders, and negativity will guarantee the lack of it. Leaders and teams who lose their ‘Super Bowl,’ the ‘big one,’ don’t wallow in their loss, but they look forward to future victories. And while those future victories are sweet, the positive leader doesn’t consider them the ultimate victory. They also take that positivity to other areas of their life and focus on being great spouses, parents, siblings and friends. Do you consider yourself a positive individual, or are you allowing negativity to get the upper hand? Don’t beat yourself up over neg