Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

How Long is Your Hiring Process Taking? Stop the Madness! – a conversation with Scott Wintrip, author or High Velocity Hiring: How to Hire Top Talent in an Instant and an inductee into the Staffing 100 Hall of Fame



Scott Wintrip                   How Long is Your Hiring Process Taking? Stop the Madness! Stop holding a parade of four to eight interviews before hiring new employees. It is an unnecessary expense and can be accomplished successfully with as few as two. The hiring search process reached an historical high in 2016 when 26.6 work days (that’s longer than one month!) were taken to fill job vacancies. That’s a problem for leaders. Most likely you have an inefficient process that is driven by the fear of making wrong choices. What will you learn in the eighth interview that you couldn’t know by the second? Hiring is a lot like dating, and when you understand what personal relationships are working or not working in your life, you will begin to recognize a pattern with hiring. Scott Wintrip talked with Steve about the current practices and pitfalls businesses are following when it comes to hiring. It doesn’t need to be as difficult as you are making it, and this podcast will provide numerous immediately a