Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

3 Steps to Win in a World of Mediocrity — This podcast will get you focused for 2018



3 Steps to Win in a World of Mediocrity                     3 Steps to Win in a World of Mediocrity  As we approach the end of the year, listen to this podcast to get you focused for 2018 -- Remember when your Mom or Dad used to say, “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?” Many of us have a desire to follow the crowd. We don’t want to stick out and appear ‘weird.’ The problem is that excellence never follows the crowd and mediocrity is what’s normal. That’s what the crowd pursues. Pursuing excellence means that we will stick out and be made to feel weird. But don’t let that stop you! The world needs people of excellence who are willing to stick out and be counted. Remember that guy you saw on headline news last night, the one who hasn’t done anything yet? Only the people who are willing to do something and who are willing to stick out are the ones who will win in a world of mediocrity. If you need inspiration to stay on the road to excellence, you’ll find it in this podcast.