Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

PURPOSE and WHY Lead to Greater Success – a conversation with May McCarthy, serial entrepreneur, angel investor and author



May McCarthy                 PURPOSE and WHY Lead to Greater Success Are you crystal clear about the purpose and why of your business? Does it mesh with your personal purpose and why? When a business has clarity, employees are more engaged and productive. When you are personally clear, your work offers more meaning and you do it for more than a paycheck. Clarity about a business’s purpose can provide the fuel and impetus for customers and other stakeholders to support you. Loyalty increases and so do referrals. Being focused solely on the financial reason of why we work leads to a shallow dead-end. Combine the financial reason with a purpose, and your business is more likely to thrive as is your personal satisfaction. Get on the road to clarifying your purpose and why by listening to this podcast. Learn more about May McCarthy and her work by visiting     Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development