Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Mediocrity and the Crab Effect – Steve provides inspiring thoughts to keep you pushing on the road to your success



Mediocrity and the Crab Effect                   Mediocrity & the Crab Effect How do you react to change? Are you allowing the status quo and complacency to pull you back into mediocrity? It is natural to have dreams and goals of success, yet it is also natural to allow those around you who are comfortable with the status quo and mediocrity to pull you back. Don’t allow that to happen! Success requires energy. It takes a lot of mental fuel to keep pushing forward and to not allow those around you who would bring you back if you let them. That’s what crabs do. They will crawl over one another to get to the top, then one from the bottom will pull the top one back so the others can attempt the same journey, only to be pulled back too. Your success requires a plan. If you haven’t developed one, listen to this podcast to refuel and energize your journey toward the success you desire.     Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development