Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Do You Have Marketing that Matters? Award-winning marketing expert Linda Popky shares the secrets of successful marketing in today’s business climate



Linda J. Popky                 Do You Have Marketing that Matters?  A lot of noise is being created in the marketplace from vendors trying to make their product or service stand out. With more ways to market than ever before, it is extremely difficult to be heard. While we may get enamored by all the new tools of marketing, they won’t make a difference if we aren’t focused on our customer. If you want to get above the noise and find a way to be heard, consider talking directly with your most prized clients. Why are you special to them? What could you be doing for them that you aren’t currently? Sit down with them and ask. Facebook ‘likes’ make us feel warm and fuzzy, but they don’t pay the bills. Consider going back to the basics to get above the noise.   To learn more about Linda Popky's marketing work and her new book, Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters, click here.   You can connect with Linda on Twitter by clicking here. If you'd like to check out