Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

The Leader’s #1 Skill–Be a Peacemaker – an enlightening conversation with Douglas E. Noll, attorney turned peacemaker who can de-escalate even the tensest situation in 90 seconds or less



Douglas E. Noll                 The Leader’s #1 Skill – Be a Peacemaker  Have you ever been so angry that having a level-headed conversation simply wasn’t possible? When you are out-of-control with anger, the last thing you want to do is calm down. You want to be heard! As a manager and leader, likely you’ve encountered members of the team who have been equally emotional and you had no resolution but to allow time to pass so they could calm down. The #1 skill for handling that situation is to be a peacemaker, and it is critical to learn the skills of de-escalation that allow you to manage many types of circumstances, highly charged being one of them. Doug Noll left the law profession to pursue the valuable work of peacemaking, and has since taken this skill into prisons, experiencing great success with some of the most difficult life-time inmates. Your circumstances may not be as tense, yet you can achieve the same success by adopting the de-escalate skills he discusses in this podcast.   Learn more