Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Start Falling in Love with Being Strategic – an insightful conversation with Elliot Kay, founder of Strategic Brilliance Services



Elliot Kay                 Start Falling in Love with Being Strategic It is far too common for leaders to avoid proper planning and not devote enough time to strategic thinking. Tactics consume the focus. When leaders focus strategically they can achieve BIG results. When remaining consumed by tactics, small success is all that can be hoped for. Elliot Kay had a drive and passion to open a business (or two) and offer his services. He had everything ready to go, but no one showed up. He was forced to regroup and look at the business strategically. Now he’s a successful businessman helping others to set aside tactics and start focusing strategically. He realized that being in love with his idea wasn’t enough. Loving strategy is what gets results and provides financial support for the business and families. If you are easily consumed by tactics and focusing your time strategically doesn’t come easily, you’ll want to listen to this podcast.   Learn more about Elliot Kay by visiting his website here.