Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Start Cultivating Your Leadership Presence – a conversation with poet pragmatist Libby Wagner whose work has shaped the cultures of numerous Fortune 500 companies



Libby Wagner                 Start Cultivating Your Leadership Presence  We tend to be pragmatic and ‘business like’ when we are in business, and especially in leadership. After all, there is a certain expectation of us, right? Maybe that is the problem. What we expect they expect really isn’t what they are expecting at all, yet we don’t know how to uncover what that is. Wow, what a conundrum! Be willing to pause from time to time while you save ‘white space’ between the busyness. Slow down to reflect on your mindset, and practice self-assessment and reflection. Consider the idea, “What do I really want as a leader.” Find the time to reflect, pause and observe your reaction and begin becoming those things you desire. Libby Wagner is a poet, author and speaker who is one of the only former poetry professors who is warmly invited into the boardroom. In this podcast, she shares how leaders who may be searching for their own voice can give thought to their leadership presence and how they are being courag