Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Stop Creating Happy & Excited Employees, Said No CEO E-V-E-R – a purposeful conversation with Lisa Earle McLeod on why purpose matters and how it affects financial results



  Lisa Earle McLeod                 Stop Creating Happy & Excited Employees, Said No CEO E-V-E-R  Your job is not just about making money. If it’s the only thing, you’re doing the wrong thing. When finances are the primary driver of an organization everyone suffers, because over the long term the best you will achieve is mediocrity. Once you translate your organization’s focus into its noble purpose, employees begin to find an excitement and drive in what they are doing. It is simple to provide good customer service, but it’s not easy to figure out how to treat your customers in amazing ways that keep them loyal, dedicated and coming back. Finding your noble purpose provides employees the impetus to care about the impact they are having on customers. They want to stand out. They want to be remarkable. On the other hand, you could always have cross-selling as an integral part of your strategy, when in fact understanding the needs of your customers should have the result of cross selling. Understand th