Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Treat Employees as Members, Not Transactions – a conversation on how to change the way you are interacting with people with Robbie Kellman Baxter



Robbie Kellman Baxter                 Treat Employees as Members, Not Transactions  Are people accepting employment at your company to add an impressive 18-24 months of experience to their resume? If that pattern is the norm, are you wanting to find serious people who view the opportunity offered as a career stop? People want to have friends at work, a sense of belonging, be held in high regard and have a chance to achieve their full potential. You can help them do those things. What if you were candid up front and told them what you promise for their challenge and fulfillment, what you expect them to promise and what will happen if it becomes time to part ways? Make promises that encourage team members to increase their loyalty and desire a relationship with your organization. It’s not difficult to make people feel wanted and as though they belong. When you are willing to live up to your side of the bargain and fulfill their desires, that is when they are willing to commit, work hard and go the extra