Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Managing from a Position of Darkness? Know Your Numbers….a conversation with the authors of The Big Book of Dashboards



  Managing from a Position of Darkness? Know Your Numbers…. You are leading from a position of darkness if you aren’t intimately familiar with your numbers. It is critical to have this knowledge when you are in management leading teams and the business. The numbers can be boring, scary or exciting. Let’s make them exciting using the data that’s critical to the success of your business and present them in ways that are attractive and meaningful. When data makes a huge difference, it can change the course of an organization. Asking questions differently and asking different questions can be a good place to start. Get ideas for looking at your data in meaningful ways by listening to the conversation Steve had with the authors of The Big Book of Dashboards. If you value data and what it can indicate, you may never be looking at numbers and an Excel spreadsheet the same way again.   Learn more about Steve Wexler and Andy Cotgreave by clicking these links - The Big Book of Dashboards - Visualizing Your Dat