Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Should You Be Doing That? – an idea-filled conversation with R. Shawn McBride, attorney, CPA and business owner who helps successful private business owners build companies that stand the test of time



R. Shawn McBride                 Should You Be Doing That?  How well have you prepared for the next step in your career or business? Although many people cringe at the word ‘planning,’ if you consider it as preparing for your future, you might want to think about how you have equipped yourself and protected your dreams.  By placing deliberate thought on what you’d like to achieve, you determine a specific end goal which allows you to take detailed steps.  It also allows you to take a step back and imagine if that dream were even bigger.  What could you do IF……    Be willing to allow dreams to be challenged, be receptive to new ideas, and you may find multiple paths to the same desired (or BIGGER) dream.    Don’t look back with an ‘I could have’ or ‘I should have,‘ take the time to think about your future now and begin moving forward with excitement.  The ideas in this podcast are a good place to start.   Learn more about Shawn's speaking opportunities at   You can also lear