

Today I'm diving deep into a topic that's been on my mind: the toxic trend I've observed in self-development and life design communities. Namely the relentless pursuit of hyper-productivity.   You know what I'm talking about - the endless tips and tricks on how to optimize every little aspect of our lives, turning what should be fulfilling activities into robotic, mechanical routines all while forgetting the big picture. But here's the kicker - does it actually make us happy? Sure, maybe it works for some personality types, us free-spirited ENFPs and INFPs, it's a whole different story. And you know what? That's something I'm truly grateful for.  To learn more about the peculiarities of our type and how to use them to your benefit, check out my latest book 'ENFP Calling,' In it, I share valuable insights on crafting the most fulfilling life as an ENFP:  I hope you enjoy this episode, and by the way, if you would like to submit your own question for a f